

Podcasts: idea development, producer, script writing, interviews, recording, mixing, editing, formatting, uploads to and creation of social media channels

Price range: $100 - $800 per episode (contact for a custom quote)

Narration: podcast host, sponsorship announcements, story scripts, audio books and articles, film/TV/radio voice-overs

Price range: $60 - $3,000 (contact for a custom quote)

Editing: edit recordings to remove excessive uhms, pauses, etc., adjust levels, mix in music and sound effects, add meta tags for SEO, format for uploading and distribution

Price range: $75 - $300 (contact for a custom quote)

Audio Producer/Consultant: podcast series, YouTube, SoundCloud, etc. channels, music albums, audio books and articles… all aspects of audio projects — from idea development to creating social media channels, and everything in between

Contact for a custom quote.

Storytelling and Oral History Projects: Multiple interviews to document and preserve the history of your organization or family. Do you have something to say to your family and/or friends? Let us help you write it and record you saying it. Just imagine what the gift of your voice would mean to a loved one.

Contact for a custom quote.

Contact us to discuss your project.